Saturday November 9 As of 10/28/24. Subject to change.
Special Training
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Roadeo Competition
(Lunch served)
Location: Frisco ISD – Transportation Stadium
Team registration and a written test required. All participating driver and attendant teams must download and complete the Roadeo Competition Knowledge Test before arriving at the event. Bring a copy of the completed test to turn in on site. Are you passionate about special needs transportation, growing as a professional, and networking with others who do what you do from across the nation? Then form a team and plan to participate in this event! The Roadeo Competition, presented by School Transportation News in partnership with wit. (Women in Transportation.), consists of driver-attendant teams. There is no pre-requisite to participate. All are welcome, whether or not you have participated in another driver-attendant competition in your state or district. The goal of this competition is to help you increase your knowledge of transporting students with special needs.
Coordinated by

8:30 a.m
Transportation Director of the Year Award Presentation
Sponsored by

9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Keynote: Unlocking Autism
Keynote Speaker: Patrick Mulick
Description: With the growing prevalence of autism, educators continue to be challenged with how to meet the unique and diverse needs of students on the autism spectrum. Helping this population find success at school, on the bus, and in life requires the supporting adults to shift their thinking that drives how they connect and support. Behavior specialist Patrick Mulick will dive into strategies that can help students with autism bring out the best of themselves every day.
Keynote Sponsored by

Coffee Sponsored by

Departing at 8 a.m.
Special Training
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Hands-on School Bus Evacuations for Students with Special Needs & Preschoolers
Instructors: Denny Coughlin, Frank Gazeley, Launi Harden, Aaron Harris & Diandra Neugent
Location: Frisco ISD Transportation West
Description: Join student transportation experts in a classroom setting to review best practices for a successful emergency evacuation of students with disabilities and preschooler, followed by an exercise on a school bus that mimics a real-life route that is servicing students with various physical disabilities as well as younger riders. Complicating the exercise will then be the introduction of fake smoke on the bus to hinder the visibility of attendees as the practice evacuating the “children” during a fire. The instructors will time the participants on how quickly they can evacuate the bus. The seminar will provide instruction on the proper evacuation of students who ride in wheelchairs and who use various child safety restraint systems. Tools used by participants will include evacuation and fire blankets, belt cutters and more. Held offsite at Frisco ISD.
Transportation & lunch provided.
Maximum of 32 participants (FULL)| Separate registration and fees required | Transportation & Lunch Provided
Breakout Sessions
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Keys to Implementing Positive Behavior Supports for School Bus Riders with Special Needs
- Jennifer Korinek
- Dana Rosen
- Amy Tiedens
Description: Positive behavior interventions and supports for students who ride the school bus: What is transportation’s role? How do we partner with others to create a safe environment? Understand how the IEP team plays a crucial role in PBIS. Chat with special education and transportation experts who have developed and implemented successful PBIS programs in the classroom and on the school bus. Gain information that you will be able to start using immediately in you district!
Breakout Sessions
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Communicating with Parents for Student Advocacy
- Gloria Corsino
- Terri A. Drca
- Rebecca Sykes
Description: Child advocacy first takes into account the individual needs of the child, not what’s best for transportation or even the parents. This requires a close working relationship between families, the transportation provider, and the child’s classroom teacher to develop goals for the child that are communicated to the IEP team. This discussion joins the parental perspective with that of transportation to ensure FAPE and LRE are attainable.
Breakout Sessions
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Early Intervention & Inclusion for Transportation Services
Moderator: Alemnesh Allen
- Renee Dawson
- Kala M. Henkensiefken
Description: What are suspected disabilities versus those that are verified? Student transporters can hold the keys to helping special educators and therapists unlock services that children need to thrive simply via their interactions with them on the school bus. This session will explore how intervention services differ from and are similar to comparable services, such as IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Panelists will discuss the use of social stories, equipment selection, collaboration, health care providers, and more.
Lunch Break
12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Lunch Break
Feel free to explore nearby dining options or enjoy a meal at your convenience. We will reconvene at 1:45 p.m. for the next session.
Breakout Sessions
1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
School Bus Wi-Fi for Student Learning
- Cody Cox
- Dawn Moore
Description: School districts nationwide have been adding Wi-Fi hotspots to school buses to increase student learning opportunities since before COVID-19. Efforts have ramped up since the introduction of federal E-Rate funding eligibility for equipment and installation. STN Publisher Tony Corpin sits down with two school districts — one from Texas and the other from New Mexico — to discuss how these Wi-Fi programs have been extended to students with disabilities, to truly make the school bus an extension of the classroom. Discover more about the educational and behavior benefits, the funding mechanisms, and collaboration necessary between transportation, special education departments and IT.
Breakout Sessions
1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Related Service of Transportation Continues Beyond Articulation
- Gloria Corsino
- Anthony Shields
- Rebecca Sykes
Description: Transition plans for students with disabilities should have long-term goals, and transportation as a related service play a large role in preparing these children for when they graduate from their school program transportation could play the largest role because of the need many of these students will have to rely on public transportation for the rest of their lives. This panel will discuss the importance of the early introduction of transportation services for students with disabilities and how to teach transportation reliance and safety throughout the student’s educational career.
Breakout Sessions
1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Lessons Learned from Wheelchair Crash Test Research
Speaker: Miriam A. Manary, BSE, MSE
Description: This session will use crash test footage and other illustrations to summarize the best practices in wheelchair transportation safety. Topics covered include securement of wheelchairs, applications of seat belt system to students in wheelchair, and strategies for handling extra equipment that accompanies the student onto the bus. The session will also highlight online resources and best practice documents that provide more in-depth information.
Breakout Sessions
3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ensuring Service Amid Driver Shortages & Budget Crunches
Alemnesh Allen
William Tousley
Lorena Valenzi
Description: Staff shortages and budget cuts are a part of life, right? It doesn’t have to be that way. Despite the ongoing challenges, the safety and reliability of student transportation cannot be compromised. This panel discussion will explore not only how student transporters can do more with less but how they can advocate for and innovate in their operations.
Breakout Sessions
3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Successful Partnerships Between School Districts & Contractors
- William McDermott
- Kenny Mulder
Description: School districts are increasingly working with contractors to provide transportation service to students with disabilities as well as those experience homelessness, whether that transportation is in a yellow school bus or another vehicle. Despite hiring a company to provide service, school districts cannot absolve themselves of the responsibility for the child being transported or the oversight of the contractor to ensure the service is safe, efficient and cost-effective. This panel will talk through how student transporters on both sides of the public-private partnership can collaborate to ensure FAPE and LRE for students.
Breakout Sessions
3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Impact on the Ride: Knowing & Understanding the 13 Student Characteristics of Exceptional Ability
Speaker: Terri A. Drca
Description: Have you ever faced challenges with students struggling on the bus? Are you interested in strategies to minimize inappropriate or dangerous behaviors by supporting student self-regulation? In this session, we will explore: How various disabilities can impact student behavior; why students may engage in inappropriate behaviors while on the bus, and; what effective strategies you can implement to promote positive behavior. Join us to enhance your understanding and equip yourself with practical tools to support students in this environment.
2024 TSD Topics As of 8/9/24. Subject to change.
- Foundations of Special Needs Transportation
- Hands-on Training & Drill for Evacuating Students with Disabilities & Preschoolers
- OT/PT/Transporter Forum: Ensuring Proper Student Securement in Alternative Vehicles
- In-Practice: Transportation Crisis Planning & Emergency Training for Students with Special Needs
- Transition Training & Mainstreaming
- Risk Management in Everyday Operations
- IDEA Part C: Transportation as an Early Intervention Tool
- Setting Realistic Expectations for School Bus Drivers & Attendants
- 13 Exceptional Abilities Served by Transportation
- Communicating with Parents/Student Advocacy
- Behavior De-escalation and PBIS in Transportation Environments
- Transportation Crisis Planning & Emergency Training for Students with Special Needs
- Proactive Driver & Attendant Training Programs
- Build Blocks for Career Development
- Successful Partnerships Between School Districts & Contractors
- Providing Training for the Service of Medically Fragile Riders
- When Can & Should You Say No to IEP Team Requests?
- What the Latest Wheelchair Crash Research Tells Us
And more!